Despite its small landmass Bhutan has a remarkable abundance of flora and fauna and is one of the most biologically diverse regions of the world.

The terrain is incredibly rugged and there are huge variations in altitude. The northern regions of the country consist mostly of snowy mountains and glaciers but range from subalpine conifer forests to broadleaf forests in the central region and dense subtropical forests in the south. This wide-range of climatic conditions allows for an unparalleled array of vegetation and wildlife to thrive within Bhutan.

There are countless varieties of rare plants and endangered animals living in our forests. Additionally, the habitat of these animals has been well protected due to the efforts of the government and the people. As part of the country’s conservation efforts official policy dictates that 60% of the country’s landmass must remain forested, however, the country currently has around 72% forest cover. Red Pandas, Barking Deer, Golden Langurs, Royal Bengal Tigers, Takins, Sheep and Himalayan Black Bears are just a few of the many rare and exotic animals that can be seen in Bhutan.

The kingdom is also an ornithological hotspot with hundreds of rare and endangered birds inhabiting its lush forests. The Pallas’s Fish Eagle, White-bellied Heron, Satyr Tragopan, Grey-bellied Tragopan, Ward’s Trogon, Blyth’s King Fisher, Rumped Honey Guide, Purple Cochoa, Rufous Throated Wren Babbler, Red-headed Parrot Bill, Chestnut-breasted Partridge, Blyth’s Trogon, Wood Snipe and the iconic Black-necked Crane are a few of the birds that can be spotted throughout the kingdom.


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